President Georgie Hutchison welcomed 25 members and guests to the Clifford and District Horticultural Society meeting on March 25 at the Community Hall in Clifford.
Hutchison announced the passing of Peter Phillips, a former treasurer for District 7 and a life member of the Orangeville Society.
The District 7 annual general meeting will be held in Mount Forest on April 26.
Vic and Trish Palmer handed out the membership canvass kits for 17 areas to be covered by volunteers. The membership fee of $5 a year breaks down to 10 cents a week for all the beautification projects, flower beds, and flower boxes tended by society volunteers.
The schedule outlines the meetings, flower shows, and youth events and highlights the natural beauty and charm of the village. Organizers hope to exceed last year’s membership of 253.
Barb Harris introduced guest speakers Bryce and Misty Murph’Ariens to expand on the topic of permaculture. This couple lives off the grid in Southgate in a hand-built house they have called home for five years. They embrace the “permaculture” way of life, practising sustainable low impact living.
The couple are hosting a summer solstice open house at 2pm on June 21. They are located at 612608 Southgate Sideroad 61, northeast of Mount Forest, north of Grey County Road 9. Go to for information.
The door prize draws were won by Trish Palmer, Karen Dowler, Marg Reidt, Barb Harris, and Marion Wylie.